Medicare Supplement Plan F – After all changes it’s Still the Best!

Medicare Supplement Plans are changing on June 1st, 2010. After it is all said and done, four plans will be eliminated and two new plans are going to be introduced. Despite all the changes, the most popular and Best Medicare Supplement Plan is still plan F. This is largely due to the comprehensive nature of […]

Medicare changes coming for seniors

Friday, July 30, marks the 45th anniversary of the Medicare program. On this date in 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Medicare and Medicaid bill into law in the presence of former President Harry Truman, who received the first Medicare card at the ceremony. Nearly 19 million beneficiaries followed Truman and enrolled in Medicare in […]

Certain foods help prevent kidney stones.

Survey Says . . . A diet aimed at lowering high blood pressure can also prevent kidney stones, a recent study shows. A study featured in a recent HealthDay News article looked at the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) model and its affect on kidney stones. A DASH-style diet is high in fruits, vegetables, […]